Friday, July 23, 2010

what i called Passion

iseng2 buka blog salah satu photographer handal di Indonesia...he's just inspired a lots... beliau cerita banyak tentang pandangannya dalam bberapa hal, dg cara yg lugas tanpa menyakiti pihak2 yg mungkin berkesan "bersebrangan" denganya.

dalam satu artikelnya tentang pekerjaanya (what he's doing), he was talk about PASSION was kindly bother me, so i repeated over again that article... what passion is? what it feel? what it looks like??
lalu, saya teringat dengan seorang teman saya yang baru2 ini diterima bekerja oleh suatu perusahaan swasta yg cukup ternama. sebut saja Z. Dia dulu seorang photographer, he was fallin love with Photograph. he talked about photo night and day. i loved him while he storied about Photograph and his dream about that. for that moment i felt his PASSION.Setelah diterima bekerja di perusahaan terkenal itu, dia membuang sgala impiannya ttg fotografi...membuang smua isi dan kotaknya.. Dia seolah terlahir kembali dg manusia yg berbeda..mimpi yg berbeda.

saya semakin bertanya-tanya ttg PASSION...apakah PASSION bs lenyap begitu saja? menurut saya, PASSION itu yg membuat kita hidup, yg membangunkan kita stiap pagi di saat mata masih lelap, yang kembali memberi kita kekuatan di saat tak seorangpun percaya pada mimpi kita. PASSION terlahir karena kita mempunyai mimpi dan mengejar impian itu. PASSION sperti sumber energi dlm tubuh kita sendiri (tdk ada yg bs merasakan selain diri kita sndiri). apakah tak terdengar lucu, di saat malam, seseorang berteriak ttg mimpinya, lalu di saat pagi ia bangun, ia malah berada di seberang jalan (tentunya dg PASSION yg lain)???

sampai saat menulis ini pun, saya msh blm paham dengan si PASSION...yg saya tau hanya apa yg saya rasakan ttg DIA (seperti yg saya jabarkan di atas).

aahh...sudahlah...yang saya tau hanya, bagaimana bsk saya dpt bertahan mengejar mimpi saya dan bagaimana saya akan terluka lalu BAHAGIA karenanya :))

Saturday, July 10, 2010

FUN moment with "mbak" Mitha

ok guys...she just a pretty woman whose has a little children. "mbak Mitha", i called her. she's so cute and much exited personality. during the photoseassion...she always has her own Pose and aegis , so attractive that make this photoshoot so COZY! :)

i had "my own" studio at my "work place"...its not a real photosudio but i make my own one ;) 

Thursday, July 8, 2010

OMG, i was fallin love with another GUN!

a few time a ago, my  friend bought a brand new lens for canon, then i tried... and WOW! i amazed with the outcome, so nature and the color was softly bright...then i fallin love with canon. hmmm..its doesnt mean that i betrayed my nikon... thats very details but i need some smooth (skin) tone for the outcome ... well, i have a plan to save some money to reach that camera and lens.... T______T

with canon lens 8.5mm f/1.8 

with Nikon kid lens

Monday, May 31, 2010


During the Spa photoshoot for A'U Salon&spa... i took a lil'bit fun there, i was direct the model to...pose..pose..and take my own picture ;P .fortunately, Rani (models) is a funny woman which have a nice tease then made me enjoy the photoshoot.


Friday, April 23, 2010

a day of kebaya

hai,'s been so long i don't update my Blog...for a several weeks ago i have many deadline both my paper or my desk job on office.
so, here i'm to refresh youre dumb brain with my little bit work art.
all pictured were taken and edited by myself, wardrobe by House of Kebaya, and Make-up by A'u Salon. Talents are Claudia Braun and Sarah Purwanto whose have nice attitude that make this photoshoot full of pleasure.




especially thax for Claudia Braun and Sarah Purwanto (which both never complain during the rainy photoshoot) ;)

Friday, February 26, 2010

my panorama's holiday

skg saya mencoba memakai b.indo saja....karena otak sedang tdk berfungsi dg baik u/ melafalkan kalimat2 asing :))
ok...skg saya mencoba narsis dg karya2 saya...sbnrnya saya suka travelling, pantai, laut, gunung... wherever it takes...and i'd like to take some photograph there (loh..kq inggris2an lg)....nah..wlpn udah stock2 lama, tp gak ada slhnya di refresh lg disini..hehehe....

critanya nih..wkt lg antri mobil di pelabuhan ketapang...kebetulan wkt itu panorama senja trasa skali..rugi stengah mati kalo saya td memanfaatkanya...

"nothing just refresh"

pulau penyu

"senjaNya yg berjingga" , kuta

"sobat kecilku"
nah..klo ini..deket sm kampung halaman....perbatasan surabaya-madura...

Thursday, February 25, 2010

just enjoy the show (my life is just a show) so that "the show must go on" is so popular.. * sigh*

I'm just a little bit caught in the middle
Life is a maze and love is a riddle
I don't know where to go
Can't do it alone I've tried
And I don't know why

Slow it down
Make it stop
Or else my heart is going to pop
Cause it's too much
Yeah it's a lot
To be something I'm not

I'm a fool
Out of love
Cause I just can't get enough

I'm just a little bit caught in the middle
Life is a maze and love is a riddle
I don't know where to go
Can't do it alone I've tried
And I don't know why

I'm just a little girl lost in the moment
I'm so scared but I don't show it
I can't figure it out
It's bringing me down I know
I've got to let it go
And just enjoy the show

The sun is hot
In the sky
Just like a giant spotlight
The people follow the sign
And synchronize in time

It's a joke
Nobody knows
They've got a ticket to that show

lenka-the show

Monday, February 22, 2010

shocking trip (that's why i can't smile without friends) :))

ok...yesterday i felt so numb in my little office which 2mx2m while i chitchat with my close friend, and suddenly planned for a little soon as possible, we were drove to the batu,malang with others friends... on a road, we found a few "weird" things that we never imagine before...thats way i call its a shocking trip.
but i'm affraid can't show u our photo's here, it just a trouble to upload image... T___T
but my lovely friend allow me to have a link with his blog to show our photo.. so take a look

Monday, February 8, 2010

welcome home

hay ho,bloggers... for my first blog, i'd like to learn more and more...just for an intro, i wanna share a photo which just for another sidejob of my holiday :)))

thinkin bout nothin